Sermon Archive

A Level Place

February 13, 2022

Salvation is by grace through faith. Grace is the source of our salvation, and faith is the condition.
There is a judgment coming for us all. One day we will stand before God and have to answer for what we have done, left undone, what we have said, left unsaid, and the sins that we have committed. We can live in fear of that day, or in hope knowing that Jesus life, death, and resurrection have already saved those who believe in him.
We must not let our opinions stand in the way of working together to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his Kingdom on earth.
Are you an almost Christian or an All-Together Christian? Do you just look the part or are you deeply committed to following the way of Jesus?

Transformed For Good

January 2, 2022
A Service of Covenant Renewal


December 26, 2021


December 19, 2021


December 12, 2021