Ongoing Weekly Events
Each Wednesday at 5:30 in the Fellowship Hall, a meal is served, and everyone is invited to enjoy the free food and camaraderie. Open Table does not meet during school breaks.
On Mondays at noon, a group of men gather in the Youth Room for a grilled cheese sandwich lunch followed by a devotion and prayer. Join us!
Calling all handy people! Meet at the church office Tuesdays at 9 a.m. to help around the church with fix-it and elbow-grease tasks. Pittman Park benefits greatly from the gifts and talents and service of our XYZ helpers.
Join us for a walk on Tuesdays at 9 a.m. We’ll text you with the day’s location. All ages and abilities welcome.

Prayer Groups
Woody Powell Men’s Prayer Group
Join us Tuesdays at 8 a.m. across from the church office.
Jackie Smith Women’s Prayer Text Chain
Text Laurie at 912-515-5812 to be added to our text chain for prayer requests to lift up daily.
Adult Sunday School Classes
Each Sunday at 10, Sunday School classes are offered for all ages.
Fellowship Class
The Fellowship Sunday School Class is a group of couples and singles, aging from Fifty and beyond, who gather each Sunday morning at 10 a.m. in the church Parlor (the building adjacent to the Chapel).
The class discusses the Bible and scripture, as related through a Sunday School lesson book. “Fellowship” truly describes this Class of warm and loving Christians.
Lectionary Class
This Sunday School class meets from 10-10:45 a.m. in the classroom on the church office hallway.
We enjoy open discussion on Scripture chosen from the week’s Lectionary readings by the lesson leader. The Lectionary is a published 3-year cycle of verses, each week highlighting an Old Testament, Psalm, Gospel and Letters selection. The table is arranged to follow the Christian calendar as to complement worship.
Weekly attendance ranges from 12 to 20 members of various ages. Some of us are new to Pittman Park, others new to Methodism, but most of us learn something from each other every Sunday.
As the selected material varies each week, it’s easy to join the class at any time and not feel others are better prepared to participate.
View the current lectionary readings here.
Discovery Class
The Discovery class is facilitated by a rotating group of leaders and is geared toward adults under 40. The class meets from 10-10:45 a.m. in Conference Room 3. They are currently examining biblical hospitality with Who is My Neighbor Part 2.
Other Events
Monthly Women’s Meetings
Connect with Pittman Park women each month through one of our circle groups. You'll grow in faith as you share with others. New Morning Women's Circle We'd love to have you join us in our ministry to the church, the community and specifically to shut-ins. Second...
Disciple III Bible Study RETURNS FEB. 23
Part 2 of Disciple III begins February 23. Join Pastor Jonathan for a deep dive into the powerful words of Paul, guided by the Disciple III Fast Track curriculum. The course will meet on Sundays at 5 in the Parlor. The first part of Disciple III explored the prophets....
Spiritual Growth Retreat March 21-23
A disciple of Jesus is someone who is becoming more like Jesus. What if, in our sin-sick culture of division, we, who are His disciples, become the answer to His unity prayer, “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.” (John 17:21)?...
Walking in Freedom: The Gospel in the Civil Rights Movement
Join us for an eight-week Bible study that explores the connection between scripture and the Civil Rights Movement. Each week, we’ll reflect on passages from the Bible alongside key writings from figures like Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., and Fannie Lou...
Walking Group
Let's walk! Call or text Laurie by 9 a.m. each Tuesday to find out where we're meeting. Men, women and children are welcome, bring a friend! Everyone is invited to go out for coffee after we walk.

A Word About Special Needs
Pittman Park follows an inclusive model for children with special needs. To help them get the most out of their time here, they may be paired with a trained Ministry Facilitator who can offer extra care. To prepare your child for visiting us, we invite you to show them a social story that explains what to expect:
Traditional Service, The Nine Service, Park Kids on Sun/Wed
Please fill out this form to help us serve your child with special needs.
Park Kids is our ministry to ensure all children are welcome, safe and engaged at Pittman Park. Midway through Sunday worship services, children are invited over to “Main Street,” where they will have a chance to hear a lesson geared just for kids. There is also a Sunday School lesson from 10-10:45 where children get to know each other and work through a bible curriculum.
We offer a nursery, located in our Pittman Park Education Center childcare rooms, to care for babies and young toddlers. For preschoolers, we have an Ark in the Park class. The nursery space and Ark in the Park are available from 9-12 every Sunday.
The first Sunday of each month is “Family First Sunday,” when everyone stays in the adult worship service together. The service is mindful of the young attendees, and activity sheets are available to help younger ones stay engaged.
On Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30, grades K-12 meet for Bible Club.
To volunteer with Park Kids, fill out this form.
Canned Food Drive
We're kicking off a community canned food rematch! Once again, it's Tuna vs. Chicken! Choose your team, then bring in your cans of Tuna or Chicken during the month of February. The largest quantity of cans or (even better!) pouches will be announced on March 2. First...
Kids Choir Wednesdays at 5
We love for our children to be a part of worship. Weekly rehearsals will introduce children to new songs and prepare the group to sing in front of the congregation. Join us at 5 p.m. on Wednesdays before Open Table. The Kids Choir is open to ages PreK-8th grade.
Park Kids Bible Club
The Wednesday night Park Kids Bible Club is a place where children in grades K-5 can learn the Bible and practice what it means to follow Jesus. We'll sing, pray, hear bible stories in order, and reinforce lessons through games and crafts. The Jesus Storybook Bible...
Park Students is our youth ministry program for 6th-12th graders. We meet on Sunday nights from 5-7 for youth group, Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 10, and Wednesday nights for small groups from 6:30-7:30 during the school year.
Our Mission Statement is simple: “Making Faithful Followers of Jesus.” We have a wide range of activities each week that are designed to cultivate a passionate and undeniable faith in Jesus Christ. Come be a part of all that God is doing!

Monthly Women’s Meetings
Connect with Pittman Park women each month through one of our circle groups. You'll grow in faith as you share with others. New Morning Women's Circle We'd love to have you join us in our ministry to the church, the community and specifically to shut-ins. Second...
Canned Food Drive
We're kicking off a community canned food rematch! Once again, it's Tuna vs. Chicken! Choose your team, then bring in your cans of Tuna or Chicken during the month of February. The largest quantity of cans or (even better!) pouches will be announced on March 2. First...
Spiritual Growth Retreat March 21-23
A disciple of Jesus is someone who is becoming more like Jesus. What if, in our sin-sick culture of division, we, who are His disciples, become the answer to His unity prayer, “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.” (John 17:21)?...

Cru Campus Meets on Tuesday evenings in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 8pm.
Wesley Meets on Wednesday evenings at the Wesley Foundation at Georgia Southern located at the Corner of Herty Dr and Fair Rd beginning at 8pm.
Contact Albert Williams for more information.
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Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir sings a wide variety of traditional choral music during the traditional worship service on Sunday mornings. Rehearsals are held most weeks during the year on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the choir room.
There is no audition required for membership in the chancel choir–everyone is invited to sing!
Praise Band
The Praise Band team leads worship during our contemporary worship service on Sunday mornings. The team holds weekly rehearsals.
If you are interested in participating with the praise band or if you are interested in serving on the media production team that handles video and lighting, contact the church office.
Handbell Choir
The Wesley Ringers Handbell Choir plays periodically during in the traditional worship service on Sundays. Handbell Choir is open to anyone that would like to be in the group. Practice is on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the choir room.
Get to Know the Church: Diego and Paola Escobar
You can find Diego and Paola most Sundays up front in the sanctuary. Diego plays the piano, and Paola sings in the choir. They moved to Statesboro from Medellín, Colombia in January. Let's get to know this talented couple! What do you like best about Pittman Park? The...
Get to Know the Church STAFF: Lisa Muldrew
Lisa Muldrew has been a part of the Pittman Park staff on and off since 2016. She currently serves as Director of Traditional Music and can be found at the Traditional Service each Sunday, leading the congregational hymns. In her role, she is also the director of the...