

Pastor’s Corner Oct. 17

Pastor’s Corner Oct. 17

Pittman Park Missions Fair Booth: A Week of Service and Success What a week it has been! Pittman Park's presence at the Fair through our Missions booth has once again been a shining example of how our church serves our community with love and purpose. This year, we...

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Symbolism in the Sanctuary: Kneeling Benches

Symbolism in the Sanctuary: Kneeling Benches

The 14 kneeling cushions that adorn the sanctuary of Pittman Park UMC were put into place for a service of consecration held Sunday, June 6, 1982. The ceremony was the culmination of nearly five years of thoughtful planning and meticulous work.

The idea for needlepoint cushions originated early in 1977 during a conversation between the Reverend Larry Roberts, a former pastor of Pittman Park, and Mrs. Lew (Polly) Rhiver. Aware of the worshipful atmosphere the cushions would help to create in the sanctuary, and of the talent existing in Pittman Park Church, Mrs. Rhiver agreed to head the project to make the cushions.

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Get to Know the Church STAFF: Megan Hopkins

Get to Know the Church STAFF: Megan Hopkins

As Director of Children's Ministry, Megan Hopkins can most often be found in the Main Street kids wing where she ministers to our youngest congregants. After 10 years as a parent volunteer in the program, she was asked to take the helm in a transitional capacity...

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Pastor’s Corner Oct. 10

Pastor’s Corner Oct. 10

Fair Week Is Here! This is one of my favorite weeks of the year, because we get to roll up our sleeves, have fun, and raise funds for our international missions! It’s a time when we come together, work side by side, and make a difference—both in our church community...

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Pastor’s Corner Oct. 3

Pastor’s Corner Oct. 3

Pittman Park UMC’s Response to Hurricane Helene In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, Pittman Park UMC opened its doors in a way that truly embodied Christ’s love for our community. As soon as the storm had passed, our church partnered with UMCOR, Bulloch VOAD, Feed...

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Inside Us Camp June 13

Inside Us Camp June 13

We've had a delightful group of 43 children this week at Inside Us Camp. They memorized Mark 12:30, donated over $140 (so far) to children in Uganda, and they look forward to sharing a Camp song with the congregation at the Nine this Sunday. Thanks to our army of...

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Pastor’s Corner Sept. 26

Pastor’s Corner Sept. 26

Praying and Preparing for What’s Ahead Before diving into this week’s Pastor's Corner, I want to take a moment to ask for your prayers. Hurricane Helene is on its way, and many of us have friends and family in its path. Let’s pray together for their safety as the...

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Pastor’s Corner Sept. 19

Pastor’s Corner Sept. 19

There's something special about gathering around a table to share a meal. Growing up, each Sunday after church we would go to my Grandma’s house for lunch. My brother and I loved it when she fried chicken and made steak fingers with mashed potatoes for us. But those...

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Pastor’s Corner Sept. 12

Pastor’s Corner Sept. 12

Hey Pittman Park! As we continue our sermon series on "The Good Work," diving into the story of Nehemiah, I can't help but draw parallels between the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls and the wonderful work that has been happening right here in our church community....

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Pastor’s Corner Sept. 5

Pastor’s Corner Sept. 5

Honoring Grandparents Through Giving As we approach Grandparents Day this Sunday, September 8, we are reminded of the love, wisdom, and faith that grandparents pass down through generations. Many of us can point to moments where our grandparents shared stories,...

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Pastor’s Corner Aug. 29

Pastor’s Corner Aug. 29

Hey Pittman Park Family! I’m excited to share that we’re launching a brand-new sermon series this week called “The Good Work.” This series is all about uncovering the unique mission God has placed on each of our hearts. Sometimes, that work is hard to see at first,...

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Pastor’s Corner August 22

Pastor’s Corner August 22

Hi Church, I am thrilled to announce that this Sunday, August 27th, we have the privilege of welcoming a very special guest speaker, Albert Williams III, the Wesley Foundation Director at Georgia Southern University. Albert will be delivering the message at both our...

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Pastor’s Corner Aug. 15

Pastor’s Corner Aug. 15

Living with Purpose and Intentionality In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to let the days slip by without much thought. We get caught up in our routines, rushing from one task to the next, often without pausing to consider the value of each moment....

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Pastor’s Corner Aug. 8

Pastor’s Corner Aug. 8

Water, Water, Everywhere… This has been a profoundly challenging week for our community. Tropical Storm Debby approached not with the usual fury of winds and tornadoes, but with an unrelenting downpour. What began as a welcomed rain soon became a relentless force,...

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Pastor’s Corner Aug. 1

Pastor’s Corner Aug. 1

This morning I, like so many other parents in Bulloch county, dropped my two girls, Addie and LG, off to start their new school year. It has been an exciting morning, complete with breakfast, new outfits, and first day of school pictures. It’s hard to believe that our...

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Pastor’s Corner July 25

Pastor’s Corner July 25

We've had an INCREDIBLE SUMMER of ministry, fun, and fellowship at Pittman Park! From Inside Us Camp to mission trips in Tifton, Uganda, and the Dominican Republic, to pool parties for our youth, and our Annual Watermelon Cutting last night, we're a church that's...

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Pastor’s Corner July 18

Pastor’s Corner July 18

Embracing Change and Celebrating Transitions at Pittman Park As summer winds down, the season brings about many transitions and changes. Teachers return to school on Tuesday, students follow on August 1, and our college campuses buzz back to life, especially here in...

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Pastor’s Corner July 11

Pastor’s Corner July 11

This is a busy week for Pittman Park Missions! On Monday, Stephanie Smith, along with Megan and Avery Hopkins, began their journey to Uganda. They have landed safely and are witnessing God move powerfully among the people there. I have enjoyed hearing from our Ugandan...

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Pastor’s Corner July 4

Pastor’s Corner July 4

Happy 4th of July! This week my family and I have been spending some much-needed time on vacation. Thank you for allowing us to get away to rest, recover, and spend time together. This week we’ve enjoyed the beaches at Hilton Head, great food, and fun together. Today,...

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Pastor’s Corner June 27

Pastor’s Corner June 27

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been exploring how our internal soundtracks shape our lives and decisions. We can replace the negative and deforming soundtracks in our mind focusing on practical steps inspired by Paul's wisdom in 2 Timothy 1:7-9 to cultivate the Spirit...

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Pastor’s Corner June 20

Pastor’s Corner June 20

In "Soundtracks: The Surprising Solution to Overthinking," Jon Acuff uses "soundtracks" as a metaphor for the repetitive thoughts that play in our minds. These soundtracks significantly influence our decisions, actions, and mindset. In short, what we tell ourselves...

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Pastor’s Corner June 6

Pastor’s Corner June 6

Hi, Pittman Park Family! I want to invite you to join in prayer for our Inside Us camp happening from Monday, June 10 to Friday, June 14. Throughout the week, we will be welcoming children from across our community to hear the message of Jesus' love! Church camp is a...

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Pastor’s Corner May 30

Pastor’s Corner May 30

Hi, Pittman Park Family! I’m excited for you to join us in worship this week as we welcome Albert Williams to come and lead us! Albert is our Wesley Foundation Director at Georgia Southern University. He is starting his third year at Wesley and has been a...

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Get to Know the Church: Diego and Paola Escobar

Get to Know the Church: Diego and Paola Escobar

You can find Diego and Paola most Sundays up front in the sanctuary. Diego plays the piano, and Paola sings in the choir. They moved to Statesboro from Medellín, Colombia in January. Let's get to know this talented couple! What do you like best about Pittman Park? The...

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Pastor’s Corner May 23

Pastor’s Corner May 23

This past Thursday, my Kiwanis club meeting was graced by Shannon Ramsey from Families 4 Families. Shannon’s organization plays a pivotal role in training and supporting foster families, ensuring that children entering the foster care system are met with love and...

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Pastor’s Corner May 16

Pastor’s Corner May 16

This Sunday, during worship, we will celebrate Pentecost. Pentecost is the day we remember the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ disciples in Jerusalem and the birth of the church. Peter and 120 others, filled with the Holy Spirit, spilled into the crowded...

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Pastor’s Corner May 9

Pastor’s Corner May 9

Throughout the week, I have found myself drifting back to 1 John 5:1-6, the text I preached from on Sunday. The promises found there have given me hope and solace in the midst of the challenges of life and ministry. [Watch last week's sermon on You Tube] As I sit down...

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Pastor’s Corner May 2

Pastor’s Corner May 2

Members and Friends of Pittman Park, Thank you for your prayers lifting up the delegates at General Conference in Charlotte. As I mentioned in last week's Pastor's Corner, the group had a lot of work to do, and this week several amendments to The Book of Discipline of...

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Pastor’s Corner April 24

Pastor’s Corner April 24

The General Conference of The United Methodist Church began on Tuesday in Charlotte, North Carolina. The General Conference is the church's top policy-making body. It meets once every four years but has been delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The conference meets...

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Pastor’s Corner April 18

Pastor’s Corner April 18

Our Wednesday night class, centered around Theodore Runyon’s book, “The New Creation: John Wesley’s Theology Today,” Has been a source of great conversation and reflection. This book offers a comprehensive and accessible exploration of Wesley’s Theology, making it a...

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Pastor’s Corner April 11

Pastor’s Corner April 11

This Sunday is Confirmation Sunday At Pittman Park! This Sunday, a significant milestone will be reached in the lives of our congregation and our Confirmation Class. In the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship services, our confirmands will step forward to profess their faith...

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Pastor’s Corner April 4

Pastor’s Corner April 4

Wow! What an incredible Sunday of worship at Pittman Park!! More than 460 people joined us to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior at Sunrise Worship, The N9NE, and Traditional Worship. Thank you for being a warm and welcoming congregation and inviting your...

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Pastor’s Corner March 28

Pastor’s Corner March 28

During our weekly communion service in the Chapel, the following passage from 1 Corinthians 15:3-11 was read to prepare us to receive the sacrament: For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the...

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Pastor’s Corner March 21

Pastor’s Corner March 21

Holy Week is Upon Us! This Sunday, we begin our journey from the palms to the cross as we remember Jesus’ death and resurrection. Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday and concludes with Easter Sunday. These are two Sundays filled celebration! This Sunday, we will wave...

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Pastor’s Corner Mar 14

Pastor’s Corner Mar 14

When Grief is So Heavy: The past few days at Pittman Park have been filled with profound loss, one upon another. We are in mourning and are filled with grief as we think about our members who now boldly sit before the throne of God. We remember Mrs. Betty Merck, Mr....

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Get to Know the Church STAFF: Mark Murphree

Get to Know the Church STAFF: Mark Murphree

As Director of Modern Music, Mark Murphree can most-often be found behind a keyboard on stage in the Fellowship Hall. He has been quietly offering his talent to Pittman Park since 1992, most recently mentoring a rotation of musicians in the contemporary service. Over...

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Pastor’s Corner Mar 7

Pastor’s Corner Mar 7

Disciples Made Here Throughout Lent, we have focused on becoming a church that calls and equips people to build faith-filled communities that transform our community for Christ by looking at what it means to be a disciple. We’ve defined a disciple of Jesus Christ as...

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Pastor’s Corner Feb. 29

Pastor’s Corner Feb. 29

It's an exciting time for young people at Pittman Park! This upcoming weekend, our confirmands will be heading to St. Simons Island for their Confirmation Retreat. At this retreat, fifth and sixth graders from across the state will come together to learn how to own...

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Pastor’s Corner Feb. 22

Pastor’s Corner Feb. 22

The season of Lent invites us to take on spiritual disciplines and live into our identity as disciples of Jesus Christ. Prayer is central to our walk with Christ and is a discipline that helps us grow spiritually. Also, our prayers are powerful, and interceding for...

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Pastor’s Corner Feb. 15

Pastor’s Corner Feb. 15

Lent is a season of fasting and prayer that prepares us for Easter. It’s a season that reminds us of our mortality, human frailty, and deep need for God’s grace in our lives. I hope you had a chance to join us for our Ash Wednesday Service this past week, as it was an...

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Pastor’s Corner Feb. 8

Pastor’s Corner Feb. 8

The season of Lent is drawing near. On Tuesday at 6:00 pm, we will celebrate at our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and highlight the ways that God is working in our youth ministry. Then, on Wednesday at 6:00 pm, we will gather for worship on Ash Wednesday to...

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Pastor’s Corner Feb. 1

Pastor’s Corner Feb. 1

It’s Peanut Butter Jelly Time! Peanut Butter Jelly Time! Peanut Butter Jelly Time! I’m so excited for this year’s Backpack Buddies and Can Do Food Pantry Canned Food Championship, and I hope you are too! This food drive is a simple way for our church to make a major...

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Pastor’s Corner Jan. 25

Pastor’s Corner Jan. 25

Greetings from the DR- Since Sunday, our Dominican Republic construction team has been hard at work with the people of Batey Siete. Our efforts are aimed at supporting the medical mission teams who come to offer healing and hope to this community.  On Sunday, we...

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Pastor’s Corner Jan 18

Pastor’s Corner Jan 18

From Pastor Stephanie Relationships Just this past week, members of our church have dealt with loss. A child just a week away from entering into this world only to be found with no heartbeat. A sister stood beside her sister in grief as she mourned the passing of her...

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Get to Know the Church: Sherrye Grotte

Get to Know the Church: Sherrye Grotte

You can find Sherrye Grotte most Sundays in the Fellowship Sunday School Class or worshipping in the sanctuary. She moved to Statesboro from Hawaii and learned about Pittman Park through her neighbor, who happens to be Pittman Park Matriarch Bennie Herring. What do...

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Get to Know the Church: Pheasants in the Forest

Get to Know the Church: Pheasants in the Forest

A rustic arrangement featuring ring-necked pheasants among branches and flowers can often be found decorating the Fellowship Hall lobby. The intriguing display was donated in the late 2010s in memory of Gary “Dennis” Edwards, Sr. by his family. His widow, Charlotte...

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Our Hope is Built Campaign Updates

Our Hope is Built Campaign Updates

It has been six months since the Our Hope is Built campaign kicked off, and our Fellowship Hall has seen drastic improvements. Energy-efficient lighting was installed over the summer, and new carpet was installed in mid-October. Watch a time-lapse video of the floor...

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Get to Know the Church STAFF: Bekah Hoogerwerf

Get to Know the Church STAFF: Bekah Hoogerwerf

As Director of Youth Ministry, Bekah Hoogerwerf can be found presiding over two large tables of teenagers at Open Table each Wednesday or filling the Mainstreet Kids Wing with laughter on Sunday nights. She moved to Savannah a few years ago from the west coast and...

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Realm Software Coming Online at Pittman Park

Realm Software Coming Online at Pittman Park

Pittman Park staff have completed training and we're transitioning into the next phase of implementation for our new church management software called Realm. Groups are now being created to streamline communication and file sharing among committees, classes and...

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Pastor’s Corner Jan. 11

Pastor’s Corner Jan. 11

Over the past few months, our staff has been receiving discipleship coaching which has been helping us rethink what we are doing as a church, how we are growing, and how we can develop disciples who are committed to knowing and sharing Jesus Christ. Our work with our...

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Pastor’s Corner Nov. 2

Pastor’s Corner Nov. 2

This Sunday, we will celebrate All Saints Day during our 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship services. This is a high and holy Sunday in the life of our church as we remember those who have gone before us into eternity with God. On All Saints Day, as a church, we remember and...

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Our Hope is Built Campaign Work COMPLETE!

Our Hope is Built Campaign Work COMPLETE!

FROM PASTOR JONATHAN: One of my favorite moments in our ministry together was on May 21, 2023. As the Offertory Hymn “My Hope Is Built” was sung, the church came forward to pledge toward the Our Hope Is Built capital campaign (you can watch this powerful moment from...

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Pastor’s Corner Jan 4

Pastor’s Corner Jan 4

Can you believe it’s 2024? I’m not having my normal struggles with moving from one year to the next—misdating checks, documents, and files—but it feels like 2023 has just rushed past us. That feeling makes me wonder: How well did I use my time? Did I do all that God...

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Pastor’s Corner Dec. 31

Pastor’s Corner Dec. 31

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! In a few short days we will say goodbye to 2023 and welcome in 2024! Every new year is an opportunity for a new start, for a new beginning. We get a chance to consider what we’ve done and who we’ve been for the past 12 months and...

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Pastor’s Corner Dec. 21

Pastor’s Corner Dec. 21

In 1744, Charles Wesley Published Hymns for the Nativity of Our Lord. This was a collection of 18 hymns that were reprinted some 20 times before Charles Wesley died in 1788. Number 10 in this collection, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus is the only hymn to survive into...

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Pastor’s Corner Dec. 14

Pastor’s Corner Dec. 14

This week has been an amazing week of preparation for Christmas! On Sunday, our Chancel and Children’s choirs treated us to an incredible night of music at the Christmas Cantata Concert. Last night, we had a wonderful time of food, fellowship, and fun at Christmas at...

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Pastor’s Corner Dec. 6

Pastor’s Corner Dec. 6

A Weary World Rejoices! Throughout Advent, we are waiting and preparing for Jesus' arrival as a baby born in a manger to save us from the power of sin and death, as well as a king returning on the clouds to redeem and restore all of creation. Every Advent, we wait...

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Pastor’s Corner Nov. 30

Pastor’s Corner Nov. 30

Advent begins this Sunday at Pittman Park! I hope that you’ll join us for this season of anticipation and preparation for Jesus’ birth and second coming. Throughout Advent, we will have opportunities to celebrate and grow together as we welcome Christ into our lives...

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Pastor’s Corner Nov. 23

Pastor’s Corner Nov. 23

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I pray this week’s Pastor’s Corner finds you safe and well, surrounded by friends and family, and perhaps even a little more than well-fed after your Thanksgiving meal. I am writing on Tuesday, and what lies before me and my family is a...

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Pastor’s Corner Nov. 16

Pastor’s Corner Nov. 16

This time next week, most of us will be recovering from a turkey, dressing, and cranberry sauce-induced nap and perhaps even preparing for the first of many servings of leftovers. Many of you will spend time traveling to gather around the table with family and...

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Pastor’s Corner: Nov. 9

Pastor’s Corner: Nov. 9

This Sunday, we start a new sermon series based on Jesus' parables from Matthew’s Gospel. Each of the parables we will cover over the next few weeks are Kingdom parables; that is, they have something to say about the nature of God’s Kingdom and our invitation to be a...

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Pastor’s Corner Oct. 26

Pastor’s Corner Oct. 26

What an amazing night! Our Treat Trail was a HUGE HIT again this year. Last night we welcomed 800+ people onto our campus. Not only was this a great event, but it was an incredible opportunity for us to demonstrate God’s love and welcome to our community. Hundreds of...

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Pastor’s Corner Oct. 19

Pastor’s Corner Oct. 19

It’s Fair Week! Thank you to everyone who has come out or is coming out to work in our Fair Booth to support missions. One of the things I love about the Fair Booth is how it brings people together. Watching you work together, problem-solve, laugh, talk, and support...

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Pastor’s Corner Oct. 12

Pastor’s Corner Oct. 12

This morning a demolition crew arrived to begin removing the carpet in the fellowship hall. We have all known that this was long past due. The carpet was worn and stained from nearly 25 years of love from basketball games, Wednesday night suppers, youth lock-ins,...

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Pastor’s Corner Oct. 5

Pastor’s Corner Oct. 5

Over the last several weeks in our Disciple II and Epic of Eden discipleship groups, some common themes have emerged from our lessons. In each study, we have seen and studied God’s faithfulness to God’s covenants. God proves again and again through the covenants made...

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Pastor’s Corner Sept. 28

Pastor’s Corner Sept. 28

October is a busy month at Pittman Park! This Sunday, our church will celebrate World Communion Sunday. This Sunday serves as a reminder that as we gather at the Communion Table, we are surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ and the great cloud of witnesses who...

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Pastor’s Corner Sept. 21

Pastor’s Corner Sept. 21

Over the past three weeks, our sermons have been exploring the question, “What if…?”  As you’ve heard me say again and again throughout this series, this question when framed properly is filled with potential and possibility. We’ve asked: “What if we humble ourselves...

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Pastor’s Corner Sept. 14

Pastor’s Corner Sept. 14

This Sunday, we will be exploring how we can begin to seek God first in every area of our lives based on Jesus' teaching in Matthew 6:19-34. In this portion of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reminds us that we are to store up treasures in heaven rather than on earth,...

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Grant funds automatic door opener in fellowship hall

Grant funds automatic door opener in fellowship hall

People with mobility challenges will now have an easier time accessing Pittman Park UMC's Fellowship Hall thanks to an automatic door opener. The low-energy operator arm engages when users apply pressure to the door, opening the door and holding it open to allow those...

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Get to Know the Church: Regina Days-Bryan

Get to Know the Church: Regina Days-Bryan

You'll find Regina Days-Bryan at the traditional service--usually on stage! She sings in the Chancel Choir, serves as lay liturgist and directs the Wesley Ringers Handbell Choir. But her talents don't stop at music. Did you know she's in the Georgia Southern Athletics...

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Pastor’s Corner Sept. 7

Pastor’s Corner Sept. 7

The next few Sundays present us with an opportunity to recommit ourselves to the vows we have taken as members of Pittman Park; “to support our church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness.” In a world filled with people afraid to...

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Pastor’s Corner Aug. 10

Pastor’s Corner Aug. 10

Wednesday Nights are Back at Pittman Park!! Last night was an incredible kick-off to our Wednesday night programming! Not only did we have some incredible biscuits, but we had a tremendous crowd! Thank you for coming and inviting your friends and family to join us for...

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Pastor’s Corner Aug. 31

Pastor’s Corner Aug. 31

One of my favorite Marvel comic books was a series called “What If…?” In these comics, the writers of my favorite Marvel heroes got to consider how each character’s story arc would have played out if different choices were made or if the characters were placed in...

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Pastor’s Corner Aug. 24

Pastor’s Corner Aug. 24

Over the past few weeks, I have been asked by friends from across South Georgia and beyond about how our church seems to be growing and thriving when others are struggling. Again and again, they ask what our secret is and I want to share with you what I’m telling...

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Pastor’s Corner Aug. 17

Pastor’s Corner Aug. 17

We have had an exciting kick-off to our fall activities here at Pittman Park. Each week we are seeing more and more people joining us for community, discipleship, and worship. It’s an exciting time to be a part of what God is doing here at the church! I believe it’s...

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Pastor’s Corner August 8

Pastor’s Corner August 8

FROM PASTOR STEPHANIE: Time to FLY... In a meeting, somebody asked, “If you have two birds in a nest and one decides to fly away, how many do you have?” I thought, well, two minus one is one. They said, “No, the answer is two!” I remember thinking, He doesn’t even...

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Pastor’s Corner July 27

Pastor’s Corner July 27

This past Monday, I was in a meeting in the Fellowship Hall. Toward the end of the meeting, I was approached by one of those who had gathered. The gentleman asked me about the flags hanging in the Fellowship Hall. He wanted to know if they were just decorations or if...

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Pastor’s Corner July 20

Pastor’s Corner July 20

What a night! Our Annual Watermelon Cutting was a huge success! It was exciting to see so many of you and so many members of our community joining us for a sweet summer treat! Be on the lookout for an article in the Statesboro Herald about the Watermelon Cutting. As...

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Get to Know the Church STAFF: Lisa Muldrew

Get to Know the Church STAFF: Lisa Muldrew

Lisa Muldrew has been a part of the Pittman Park staff on and off since 2016. She currently serves as Director of Traditional Music and can be found at the Traditional Service each Sunday, leading the congregational hymns. In her role, she is also the director of the...

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Pastor’s Corner

Pastor’s Corner

Friends, As many of you heard on Sunday, our Pittman Park staff is growing! In June, we will welcome Rev. Stephanie Smith back to Pittman Park! Stephanie will serve as our Family Ministry Pastor and help us become a church for the whole family. I am thankful for...

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Pastor’s Corner April 6

Pastor’s Corner April 6

Easter is the most important day of the Christian year. It’s the day we celebrate that God has defeated sin and death through the power of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. It’s the day we gather together to experience new life and new hope in Jesus and I can’t...

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Pastor’s Corner Feb. 9

Pastor’s Corner Feb. 9

This weekend many families will be gearing up to head out of town for Winter Break. Weeks off from school often afford families time to be and grow together as they travel, explore, and simply spend time in each other’s presence. If you’re heading out of town this...

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Pastor’s Corner March 2

Pastor’s Corner March 2

Mrs. Elizabeth, one of our teachers at Pittman Park Education Center, died tragically in an automobile accident this past Saturday. After hearing the news, I was shocked and quickly began to scramble to figure out how to care for our Education Center staff and...

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Pastor’s Corner July 13

Pastor’s Corner July 13

Sweet Summertime! Friends, I’m so excited about our Watermelon Cutting on Wednesday, July 19, at 6 pm! We have invited our community and I hope that you’ve invited your friends to join us for a sweet summer treat! What’s even more exciting is that our Watermelon...

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Pastor’s Corner July 6

Pastor’s Corner July 6

It's the middle of the summer… And being in the middle of things is sometimes a strange place to be. On the one hand, new patterns (hopefully of rest, relaxation, and recovery) have taken hold, but on the other hand, you get the sense that soon those patterns will be...

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Pastor’s Corner June 29

Pastor’s Corner June 29

The readings for the past two Sundays from Matthew 9:35-10:8 and Matthew 10:24-39 have centered around the moment Jesus sends out the 12 disciples to carry forward his mission and ministry. This isn't the last time these disciples will be commissioned and sent out to...

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Pastor’s Corner June 22

Pastor’s Corner June 22

Merry Christmas! (I’ve loved saying that all this week!!) Christmas Camp has been in full swing here at Pittman Park! We have had the sights and sounds of Christmas filling our hallways as children from our church and across our community have joined us for camp....

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Pastor’s Corner June 15

Pastor’s Corner June 15

from Pastor Stephanie... Preaching, Parties, and Planning at Pittman Park A few things about me: in case you cannot tell, I LOVE alliteration. But more importantly, I am so thankful for the welcome you have shared with me and my family since the announcement that I...

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Pastor’s Corner June 8

Pastor’s Corner June 8

Hi Church! I want to share with you how excited I am for our church, and for our Annual Conference, coming out of the 2023 Session of the South Georgia Annual Conference! It was an inspiring and Spirit-filled experience where we recentered ourselves on our mission of...

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Pastor’s Corner June 1

Pastor’s Corner June 1

This Sunday after worship, Stephanie, Addie and I, as well as Alli and Tim Wall, Wendy Doty, and Jodi Atkinson will be travelling to represent Pittman Park and our District at the 2023 Session of the South Georgia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church in...

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Pastor’s Corner May 25

Pastor’s Corner May 25

This Sunday, during worship, we will celebrate Pentecost. Pentecost is the day we remember the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ disciples in Jerusalem and the birth of the church. Peter and 120 others, filled with the Holy Spirit, spilled into the crowded...

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Pastor’s Corner May 18

Pastor’s Corner May 18

Growing up, I was fascinated with the concept of space and the work that NASA was doing. I loved visiting the Savannah Science Museum because they had freeze-dried ice cream in the gift shop, just like you would eat in space! I loved to hear the stories of the brave...

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Pastor’s Corner May 11

Pastor’s Corner May 11

This Sunday is Mother’s Day, and we are excited to celebrate with you! One of the things I’m quick to remember each Mother’s Day is the role my mother, and the community of mothers in and outside of my family, played in raising me and growing my faith.  I can remember...

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Pastor’s Corner May 4

Pastor’s Corner May 4

One of my favorite conversations in the prophetic book of Ezekiel is found in Ezekiel 1-3. There God appears to Ezekiel and commissions him to carry a message to the people of Israel. God places a scroll before him filled with God’s message to God’s people. Then God...

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Pastor’s Corner April 27

Pastor’s Corner April 27

Friends, I am pleased to announce that with this email, we are officially launching the "Our Hope is Built" Campaign for Pittman Park. For more than 66 years, Pittman Park United Methodist Church has been a place where hope is built. Hope that has guided generations...

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Pastor’s Corner April 13

Pastor’s Corner April 13

As I sit in my office, just a few days after Easter, I’m still struck by how amazing our worship was, how incredible it felt to have so many gathered to celebrate the redeeming love of God expressed to us through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ....

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Pastor’s Corner March 23

Pastor’s Corner March 23

Throughout Lent, I have been reminded of the importance and centrality of prayer in our walk with Christ.  Prayer connects us to God through Jesus Christ and changes us as we find intimacy and peace with God through prayer. Prayer does change us. And not just us,...

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Pastor’s Corner March 9

Pastor’s Corner March 9

Each week I close my Pastor’s Corner with the following: God bless, Jonathan Smith For Jesus. For People. For Community. Friends, I want you to know that this closing, or a valediction, has been an intentional choice of mine. In a world that is filled with people who...

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