Hey Pittman Park Family!

I’m excited to share that we’re launching a brand-new sermon series this week called “The Good Work.” This series is all about uncovering the unique mission God has placed on each of our hearts. Sometimes, that work is hard to see at first, but it’s always there, waiting for us to respond. For Nehemiah, it was the crumbled walls of Jerusalem that stirred him into action. For you, it might be an injustice that weighs heavy on your heart or a need only you can see. What we want to learn throughout this series how to see a need and respond with grace to God’s call on us.

Over the next four weeks, we’ll dive into Nehemiah’s journey and see how his story can inspire us to step into our calling and make a difference in our world. Here’s what we’ll explore together:

  1. When You Can’t Take It Anymore – What do you do when a burden becomes too great to ignore? We’ll see how Nehemiah’s heart was moved and how that’s where our own stories often begin.
  2. Do the Work. Make a Difference. – Nehemiah didn’t just pray—he acted. We’ll talk about turning our prayers into actions and taking that first step toward the work God is calling us to do.
  3. Standing Strong in the Face of Opposition – No great work comes without challenges. We’ll learn from Nehemiah’s resilience and discover how we can stay strong when the going gets tough.
  4. Shutting the Door on Distractions – In our final week, we’ll focus on how to keep our eyes on the mission, just like Nehemiah did, no matter what distractions come our way.

I can’t wait to embark on this journey with you. Let’s come together, learn from Nehemiah’s example, and find the courage to step into the good work God has prepared for each of us. Together, we can change our world in Jesus’ name—one step at a time.

See you this Sunday!

God bless,
Jonathan Smith
For Jesus. For People. For Community.