Amazing Grace Bags are a ministry that supplies local churches and social services agencies with necessities to hand out to people who are in acute need. Volunteers gather items and fill bags for distribution each month.
Places that distribute Amazing Grace Bags: the local women’s shelter, the local food bank, Statesboro’s Outreach Center, the local Community Assistance in Fire Emergency (CAFE) unit, St. Matthew Catholic Church, First Presbyterian, First United Methodist Church, Pittman Park United Methodist Church, Choices of the Heart, and more.
Items in Amazing Grace Bags: toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash, laundry soap, dryer sheets, socks, tylenol, band aids, shampoo, soap, femenine hygene products, sunscreen, hand warmers, foil coat, a bottle of water, granola bars, and more.
Individuals are welcome to take Amazing Grace to distribute when they encounter people in need. Ask for one at the Church office.
This ministry runs on donations of both money and goods. Monetary donations can be made to the church and designated to Amazing Grace bags. Donations of goods can be brought to the church office. Full-size containers are accepted as volunteers are happy to divide donations into smaller containers.