Pittman Park’s Fellowship Hall is many things throughout the week. Often it’s a dining hall or meeting space, and sometimes it’s used as a party room, blood donation site or even voting precinct, but every Sunday the space becomes a Sanctuary for The Nine contemporary worship service. That’s when you’ll see a unique communion table set in front of the stage at the center of the room. The table was built from rare poplar wood by church member and talented woodworker, Pryor Murphree. He built the table specifically for the contemporary worship service space after Associate Pastor Stephanie Smith had used her own table in the space. That table had been made by her father, so it went with her to her new charge in 2019. That’s when Murphree got busy on a worthy replacement. Since 2019, the table has helped usher in worship for the Fellowship Hall.
Get to Know the Church: The Nine Communion Table
by Megan Hopkins | Nov 3, 2022 | E-Newsletter, Uncategorized | 1 comment

how cool is that!!