Wednesday Nights are Back at Pittman Park!!
Last night was an incredible kick-off to our Wednesday night programming! Not only did we have some incredible biscuits, but we had a tremendous crowd! Thank you for coming and inviting your friends and family to join us for dinner and discipleship.

The Open Table crowd on August 9 especially enjoyed Earl’s giant, fluffy homemade biscuits.
We gathered for Communion in the Chapel and Backpack Buddies at 5:00, Open Table at 5:30, and Park Kids & Students small groups, Epic of Eden, Intentional Parenting groups, and Choir at 6:30, and then handbells at 7:30! I hope that you will make Wednesday nights at Pittman Park a part of your weekly rhythm. I believe that our gathering, studying, worshipping, eating, and talking together are vital to our continued growth as a church and individually as disciples of Jesus.
If you didn’t get a chance to join us, I hope you’ll come out next week and join us, maybe even bring a friend!
Wednesdays aren’t the only nights we gather here at Pittman Park. We also have incredible worship opportunities on Sundays at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m., as well as discipleship opportunities for our youth and children. Sunday nights our student ministry meets from 5-7pm, Disciple II Bible Study meets from 5-7pm, and next week (August 20) our Confirmation class will be kicking off too!
Pittman Park is an incredible place where God is moving and people are growing in Jesus! Take a couple of minutes this week to pray for our church and for God to continue to lead us forward. Also, drop a comment below about what you are most excited about here at Pittman Park.
God bless,
Jonathan Smith
For Jesus. For People. For Community.
I am EXCITED for Disciple 2 on Sunday afternoons!!!