This is a busy week for Pittman Park Missions! On Monday, Stephanie Smith, along with Megan and Avery Hopkins, began their journey to Uganda. They have landed safely and are witnessing God move powerfully among the people there. I have enjoyed hearing from our Ugandan friends, Josh and Godwin, who love to share what’s happening!

On Wednesday, Bekah Hoogerwerf and I took four of our youth to River of Life in Tifton. Just this morning, our students began working with a group from Isle of Hope UMC to pressure wash, caulk, and clean the exterior of a home. They have also experienced incredible worship and fun each night of our trip. I look forward to seeing how River of Life will impact our youth today and in the future!

Finally, on Saturday, our Dominican Republic Medical Mission Team will set off to bring healing and hope to the people of Barahona and Batey Siete. The ongoing work that Randy Smith and his teams have done is literally transforming the face of the Dominican Republic by offering healing and hope to some of the poorest people on our planet.

Friends, you should be proud of your church! I know I am! God has called us to be a church filled with faithful encouragers, humble servants, compassionate leaders, and everyday visionaries. These are all ways to describe Christians who take the Great Commandment seriously—loving God and loving people! You don’t have to leave the country or even the county to live out that call; you can do it right here and right now. I hope that you will find a place to put your hands to work for the sake of God’s Kingdom and God’s people.

Thanks for being a church that’s on mission and in mission!

God bless,

Jonathan Smith
For Jesus. For People. For Community.