Hey Pittman Park!

As we continue our sermon series on “The Good Work,” diving into the story of Nehemiah, I can’t help but draw parallels between the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls and the wonderful work that has been happening right here in our church community. Just as Nehemiah rallied the people to rebuild and restore, we’ve seen a similar spirit of collaboration and dedication within our congregation.

Last weekend, more than 30 of you came out for our Church Clean-Up Day, armed with rakes, shovels, gloves, lawn equipment, and a determination to make our church home even more welcoming. The result? Our grounds look beautiful, and the sense of accomplishment and camaraderie among those who participated was palpable. Moments like these remind us how much can be achieved when we work together for the good of God’s kingdom.

But the good work doesn’t stop there. Every Tuesday, our faithful XYZ guys roll up their sleeves and tackle the maintenance and repairs that keep our facilities in top shape. From fixing leaky faucets to ensuring our spaces are safe and functional, these men embody the spirit of service that Nehemiah demonstrated.

And let’s not forget the countless ways our Men’s and Women’s groups, as well as our various small groups, are building up the body of Christ here at Pittman Park. These groups are where relationships are deepened, prayers are shared, and burdens are lifted. They are the spiritual scaffolding that supports our church, much like the walls Nehemiah and his team built to protect and strengthen Jerusalem.

As we continue to reflect on Nehemiah’s story, let’s continue to ask ourselves: What is the good work God is calling us to? Whether it’s through physical labor, like our Clean-Up Day and Tuesday repairs, or through spiritual support in our small groups, every act of service brings us closer to fulfilling our mission as a church.

Thank you for being part of this journey, and for contributing your time, talents, and prayers to the good work we are doing together for sake of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God. I am continually inspired by your dedication and commitment, and I look forward to seeing how God will continue to move through us in years to come!

God bless,
Jonathan Smith
For Jesus. For People. For Community.