Honoring Grandparents Through Giving

As we approach Grandparents Day this Sunday, September 8, we are reminded of the love, wisdom, and faith that grandparents pass down through generations. Many of us can point to moments where our grandparents shared stories, offered guidance, or simply showed us what it means to live a life of faith.

This special day is a time to honor their legacy and express our gratitude for the impact they’ve had on our lives. One meaningful way to do this is by giving to memorials in their honor. A memorial gift is more than just a donation; it is an offering of love, a way to continue their story in the life of the church, and a tangible reminder of their influence on our spiritual journey.

These gifts support the ministries of our church and help further the mission that was dear to the hearts of so many of our grandparents—building a stronger, Christ-centered community. Whether it’s supporting youth programs, outreach efforts, or maintaining the church itself, your giving can make a lasting impact in their memory.

This Sunday, as we celebrate Grandparents Day, consider how you might honor the grandparents in your life—both those still with us and those who have passed. A memorial gift is a beautiful way to ensure their legacy of faith continues for generations to come.

Let us come together in remembrance and thanksgiving, honoring the lives of those who have given us so much.
