Pastor’s Corner March 21

Pastor’s Corner March 21

Holy Week is Upon Us! This Sunday, we begin our journey from the palms to the cross as we remember Jesus’ death and resurrection. Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday and concludes with Easter Sunday. These are two Sundays filled celebration! This Sunday, we will wave...
Pastor’s Corner March 21

Pastor’s Corner April 6

Easter is the most important day of the Christian year. It’s the day we celebrate that God has defeated sin and death through the power of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. It’s the day we gather together to experience new life and new hope in Jesus and I can’t...
Pastor’s Corner March 21

Pastor’s Corner April 13

As I sit in my office, just a few days after Easter, I’m still struck by how amazing our worship was, how incredible it felt to have so many gathered to celebrate the redeeming love of God expressed to us through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ....
Pastor’s Corner April 21

Pastor’s Corner April 21

…from Pastor Jonathan Hi Church! Easter Sunday was amazing! We had beautiful worship with infant baptism, confirmands professing their faith in Christ, and our whole church celebrating the resurrection of Jesus! God is truly at work at Pittman Park! And the...
Pastor’s Corner April 21

Pastor’s Corner April 14

from Pastor Bill… Dear Pittman Park family, Interesting isn’t it that in the first chapter of the Gospel According to John, Jesus is described in this way… “In him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the...