by Megan Hopkins | Dec 20, 2023 | E-Newsletter, Uncategorized
In 1744, Charles Wesley Published Hymns for the Nativity of Our Lord. This was a collection of 18 hymns that were reprinted some 20 times before Charles Wesley died in 1788. Number 10 in this collection, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus is the only hymn to survive into...
by Megan Hopkins | Aug 10, 2023 | Uncategorized
Wednesday Nights are Back at Pittman Park!! Last night was an incredible kick-off to our Wednesday night programming! Not only did we have some incredible biscuits, but we had a tremendous crowd! Thank you for coming and inviting your friends and family to join us for...
by Megan Hopkins | Nov 3, 2022 | E-Newsletter, Uncategorized
Pittman Park’s Fellowship Hall is many things throughout the week. Often it’s a dining hall or meeting space, and sometimes it’s used as a party room, blood donation site or even voting precinct, but every Sunday the space becomes a Sanctuary for The...