I believe that having rituals to mark time is an essential practice in our lives. The season of Lent invites us to mark time by fasting and prayer. Advent invites us to mark time by lighting the candles on the Advent wreath. These rituals that help us mark time don’t just have to be reserved for holy seasons in the church’s life. We should incorporate them into our daily, weekly, and monthly schedules.
How do I mark time each day? Do I spend time alone with God in the morning? Do I have a short quiet time at lunch or after work? Do I spend time before bed contemplating the day asking God to ready me for the next day?
How do you mark time each week? Certainly, rhythms of work and worship become patterns over time, but do you have moments with God that punctuate your week? One of my favorite ways to mark time during my week is by attending the weekly communion service in the chapel on Wednesdays. This group gathers, prays, confesses, sings, and partakes in Holy Communion to mark time and make space for God’s presence in their lives.
How do you mark time each month? What activities help you connect with God and others throughout the month? At Pittman Park we have many monthly ministries aimed at marking time and making space. From Men’s Breakfast, to Adult Luncheon, the New Morning Circle, Rebecca’s Cafe, Family First Sunday communion, there are many monthly events that help us develop patterns in our lives.
If you’re looking for a way to mark time and make space for God in your life, I invite you to join me on Wednesdays for Communion, to take up a new Bible reading plan, or to schedule some time during your busy day to encounter God.
Let’s take advantage of this season and grow deeper in our relationship with God as we approach Easter and Resurrection.
God bless,
Jonathan Smith
For Jesus. For People. For Community.
I have started a noon quiet time since you told us about that. I do use SPIN to pray. I can’t come to Wednesday communion because of helping with Backpack buddies….the rituals of greeting, Sunday school, church, daily Bible reading……all encourage me and give me peace.