I am so honored to have the privilege of serving the beloved of the Lord at and through Pittman Park United Methodist Church! When I was considering expounding on the blessings that I have been able to receive and give, through the ministry of Backpack Buddies and Can-Do Spirit, the first thing that came to my mind was the joy on the faces of the students we serve at Langston Chapel Elementary and Middle Schools! Also, I love seeing and working alongside all the concerned and passionate individuals reaching out from their hearts to pack the bags and help with inventory in the pantries, as well as those who generously give financially to these missions. It makes me think of the disciples telling Jesus their fears of not having sufficient food or being inadequate to serve with just a few fish and loaves of bread for so many in need of a meal. Who knows, it may be that we are entertaining angels unawares in those we serve.

When I was approached a little over 4 years ago to take ownership of the details surrounding Backpack Buddies, I initially thought, me? Why me? Surely there are others more qualified! Then I instantly reconsidered and remembered that even if we have faith the size of a tiny mustard seed, a great plant can arise out of it! So I prayerfully and thankfully accepted the charge and was so grateful to do so. I have met so many generous people through this ministry and have been so blessed to get to know everyone a bit better. I do believe that by being passionate about serving others as Christ has served us, that everyone volunteering in this ministry has started to look at their “job” a little differently! Now we all can truly unite in being servants of one another as Christ serves us, without reservation or discrimination—wholeheartedly. Sure does lift the corners of our mouths and our hearts!

God bless you all and hope to see you in church at 5pm on August 10 th for the beginning of the year for 2022-2023 Backpack Buddies packing!!

To God be the Glory,
Laurie Cigal
Backpack Buddies Coordinator

Our first Backpack Buddies delivery will be August 12, and we want to make it special! We are requesting donations of colorful toothbrushes, pencil sharpeners and calendars. Please bring supplies to the church by August 9 so we can include them when we pack bags August 10.

If you would like to volunteer with Backpack Buddies in August, sign up for a task here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080e48a9a82ca3fa7-backpack