A Weary World Rejoices!

Throughout Advent, we are waiting and preparing for Jesus’ arrival as a baby born in a manger to save us from the power of sin and death, as well as a king returning on the clouds to redeem and restore all of creation. Every Advent, we wait along with all of creation to hear good news of great joy. We know what sin, suffering, heartache, war, pain, anxiety, and sadness look like, and we feel how they have added a crushing weight to our life.

The good news, the hope that we heard about last week during worship, is that God has not left us orphaned or alone in our brokenness. God has heard our cries of distress. God has witnessed our brokenness and responded. God has left heaven and put on flesh in Jesus Christ, a child born in a manger, who lived and died so that the powers of sin, death, and darkness would be forever defeated.

That’s good news friends!

But there’s more! This child born in a manger will be our Prince of Peace. He will usher in a new Kingdom and a new reality for those who would follow after him. A Kingdom where sorrow, suffering, and pain will be no more. Where war and hate and evil will be completely undone. A Kingdom where swords are beaten into plowshares and true peace is established forever.

O come! O come, Emmanuel, our Hope.

O come! O come, Emmanuel, our Prince of Peace.

O come! O come, Emmanuel, God with us.

Reign in our hearts forever.

Waiting with you for Christ’s coming,

For Jesus. For People. For Community.