Pastor’s Corner Dec. 6

Pastor’s Corner Dec. 6

A Weary World Rejoices! Throughout Advent, we are waiting and preparing for Jesus’ arrival as a baby born in a manger to save us from the power of sin and death, as well as a king returning on the clouds to redeem and restore all of creation. Every Advent, we...
Pastor’s Corner Dec. 6

Pastor’s Corner Oct. 26

What an amazing night! Our Treat Trail was a HUGE HIT again this year. Last night we welcomed 800+ people onto our campus. Not only was this a great event, but it was an incredible opportunity for us to demonstrate God’s love and welcome to our community. Hundreds of...
Pastor’s Corner Dec. 6

Pastor’s Corner March 16

I believe that having rituals to mark time is an essential practice in our lives. The season of Lent invites us to mark time by fasting and prayer. Advent invites us to mark time by lighting the candles on the Advent wreath. These rituals that help us mark time don’t...