Pastor’s Corner Feb. 15

Pastor’s Corner Feb. 15

Lent is a season of fasting and prayer that prepares us for Easter. It’s a season that reminds us of our mortality, human frailty, and deep need for God’s grace in our lives. I hope you had a chance to join us for our Ash Wednesday Service this past week, as it was an...
Pastor’s Corner

Pastor’s Corner

Dear Pittman Park family, Here we are at the beginning of Lent. This season of the church year is intended to lead us on a forty day journey toward Easter by way of prayer, reflection, fasting and centering ourselves through scripture.  All of this is toward the end...
Pastor’s Corner

Pastor’s Corner FEB 24

From Pastor Jonathan… The season of Lent is upon us. As we enter this season we remember Jesus’ forty day journey into the wilderness that preceded his ministry, how he was tempted by Satan, and how those moments prepared him for his mission and ministry. These...
Pastor’s Corner

Pastor’s Corner FEB 17

From Pastor Bill… Dear Pittman Park family, The humor is somewhat twisted, but I smiled when I saw a t-shirt imprinted with the words, “I’m giving up hope for Lent.” Of course, the thought is ridiculous. Lent is all about hope! It is about our hope in Christ...