Pastor’s Corner Feb. 22

Pastor’s Corner Feb. 22

The season of Lent invites us to take on spiritual disciplines and live into our identity as disciples of Jesus Christ. Prayer is central to our walk with Christ and is a discipline that helps us grow spiritually. Also, our prayers are powerful, and interceding for...
Pastor’s Corner Feb. 22

Pastor’s Corner March 23

Throughout Lent, I have been reminded of the importance and centrality of prayer in our walk with Christ.  Prayer connects us to God through Jesus Christ and changes us as we find intimacy and peace with God through prayer. Prayer does change us. And not just us,...
Pastor’s Corner March 17

Pastor’s Corner March 17

From Pastor Bill… Dear Pittman Park family, Through the years I have come to understand that much of life has to do with waiting. I saw someone today with a t-shirt emblazoned with that classic Nike slogan “Just Do It.” I suppose, when it comes to sports or...