Our Hope is Built
Campaign Updates
Our Hope is Built Campaign Updates
It has been six months since the Our Hope is Built campaign kicked off, and our Fellowship Hall has seen drastic improvements. Energy-efficient lighting was installed over the summer, and new carpet was installed in mid-October. Watch a time-lapse video of the floor...
Our Hope is Built Campaign Work COMPLETE!
FROM PASTOR JONATHAN: One of my favorite moments in our ministry together was on May 21, 2023. As the Offertory Hymn “My Hope Is Built” was sung, the church came forward to pledge toward the Our Hope Is Built capital campaign (you can watch this powerful moment from...
Our Hope is Built Campaign Update
Pledge Sunday was May 21, and we now have $101,950 in commitments toward our $110,098 goal! This amount represents many individuals and families, and we are humbled by what God is doing through all of us. Through this campaign, we will equip our building for the...

“My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” How many times has that hymn rung through the sanctuary at worship services, funerals, and special events? Consider a gift to support these needed projects throughout our church campus.
Choose an amount that you can give each month or offer a one-time donation. Decide what fits into your budget or consider a sponsorship level from the list provided on this website. On Sunday, May 21 we will pledge together toward our $110,000 goal.
Sponsor a Carpet Square
Sponsor an LED light
Sponsor a Stained Glass Window
Sponsor a Life-Saving AED
Donate $1500 to cover the cost of a new AED device to be placed in the Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, or office hallway so that they will be accessible from all primary gathering spaces. There are three AEDs that need sponsorship.

Sanctuary Window Repair
The original windows in the sanctuary and chapel are in need of attention. Funds will cover the replacement of faded, broken or missing pieces in the large rear sanctuary window. Funds will also cover the maintenance and repair of all 14 windows in the sanctuary and chapel.

Fellowship Hall Flooring and Lighting Replacement
The carpet in our Fellowship Hall is ready to be replaced. Funds will cover the removal of the old carpet and installation of new carpet squares. Funds will also cover outfitting the Fellowship Hall with more efficient LED panels to replace the can lights and halide lights in the main part of the room.

Additional AED First Aid Devices
The AED device in our Mainstreet Hall lobby area is not accessible to areas of the church where large numbers of people gather. In order to cover the entire church campus, funds will cover the purchase of three new Philips Heart Smart AED devices to be placed in convenient locations.
GOAL: $122,376