Pastor’s Corner Sept. 7

Pastor’s Corner Sept. 7

The next few Sundays present us with an opportunity to recommit ourselves to the vows we have taken as members of Pittman Park; “to support our church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness.” In a world filled with people afraid to...
Pastor’s Corner Sept. 7

Pastor’s Corner Aug. 10

Wednesday Nights are Back at Pittman Park!! Last night was an incredible kick-off to our Wednesday night programming! Not only did we have some incredible biscuits, but we had a tremendous crowd! Thank you for coming and inviting your friends and family to join us for...
Pastor’s Corner Sept. 7

Pastor’s Corner Aug. 31

One of my favorite Marvel comic books was a series called “What If…?” In these comics, the writers of my favorite Marvel heroes got to consider how each character’s story arc would have played out if different choices were made or if the characters were placed in...
Pastor’s Corner Sept. 7

Pastor’s Corner Aug. 24

Over the past few weeks, I have been asked by friends from across South Georgia and beyond about how our church seems to be growing and thriving when others are struggling. Again and again, they ask what our secret is and I want to share with you what I’m telling...
Pastor’s Corner Sept. 7

Pastor’s Corner Aug. 17

We have had an exciting kick-off to our fall activities here at Pittman Park. Each week we are seeing more and more people joining us for community, discipleship, and worship. It’s an exciting time to be a part of what God is doing here at the church! I believe it’s...