from Pastor Jonathan…
Hello Church!
This season of reflection, fasting, and prayer readies us for Easter and resurrection! I pray that you will find some time throughout these days to reconnect with God, search out those broken places in your heart and life, and repent that you might be healed. Here are a few ways that we are leaning into Lent at Pittman Park.
Morningstar Devotionals – I also hope you are enjoying the Morningstar Living Lent devotionals that we are reading together as we journey through this season. If you don’t have a copy of the devotional swing by the church office and pick one up, or sign up online by clicking here to receive the daily devotional in your inbox.
Confirmation Class – This past week our confirmation class joined confirmands from across the southeast at Epworth By The Sea for the Join the Journey confirmation retreat. The weekend was filled with excitement and the opportunity for these students to see their peers worshiping, growing, and studying God’s Word. My hope is that these moments will be etched into these students lives as they grow and mature in Christ.
Youth Winter Retreat – The coming weekend our youth head to Orlando for their Winter Retreat! They will spend time together at Universal Studios, Blue Springs State Park, and their resort. This time will give our students a deeper sense of connection to one another, to Christ, and grow them through intentional times of worship and fun. Please keep our youth in your prayers as they spend time together this weekend.
New Worship Schedule – We are also preparing to live into a new worship schedule at Pittman Park. The Sunday after Easter we will be launching a new 9 a.m. contemporary worship service in the fellowship hall and will have traditional worship at 11am in the sanctuary. We would love your help to get the word out about the new service and to help us have a successful launch on April 24. So, we are looking for servants who are willing to help us greet, setup, and work in our children’s ministry areas on our launch day and beyond. If you haven’t yet found a place to worship and serve at Pittman Park, now’s your chance. Not only will you be on the ground floor of launching a new worship service, but you’ll get to use your God-given gifts and talents to impact the hearts and lives of the people who come through our doors each week. Be on the lookout for opportunities to sign up to serve at Pittman Park.
Leaning into Lent and into new opportunities here at Pittman Park!
Jonathan Smith
For Jesus. For People. For Community.