Pastor’s Corner May 4

Pastor’s Corner May 4

One of my favorite conversations in the prophetic book of Ezekiel is found in Ezekiel 1-3. There God appears to Ezekiel and commissions him to carry a message to the people of Israel. God places a scroll before him filled with God’s message to God’s people. Then God...
Pastor’s Corner May 4

Pastor’s Corner July 21

Summer is drawing to a close! In just two weeks our children will return to school, students will return to their apartments, and we will all be adjusting to new schedules, and developing new rhythms of life. As we head toward this time of transition, I would like to...
Anchoring in the Word

Anchoring in the Word

…from Pastor Jonathan / Over the past few weeks I have been challenged and convicted in the way that I am studying scripture. Many of us began a journey through the scriptures on January 1, some of us are reading through the Bible in a year, or through the Old...