Pastor’s Corner May 18

Pastor’s Corner May 18

Growing up, I was fascinated with the concept of space and the work that NASA was doing. I loved visiting the Savannah Science Museum because they had freeze-dried ice cream in the gift shop, just like you would eat in space! I loved to hear the stories of the brave...
Pastor’s Corner May 18

Pastor’s Corner May 11

This Sunday is Mother’s Day, and we are excited to celebrate with you! One of the things I’m quick to remember each Mother’s Day is the role my mother, and the community of mothers in and outside of my family, played in raising me and growing my faith.  I can remember...
Pastor’s Corner May 18

Pastor’s Corner May 4

One of my favorite conversations in the prophetic book of Ezekiel is found in Ezekiel 1-3. There God appears to Ezekiel and commissions him to carry a message to the people of Israel. God places a scroll before him filled with God’s message to God’s people. Then God...
Pastor’s Corner May 18

Pastor’s Corner April 27

Friends, I am pleased to announce that with this email, we are officially launching the “Our Hope is Built” Campaign for Pittman Park. For more than 66 years, Pittman Park United Methodist Church has been a place where hope is built. Hope that has guided...
Pastor’s Corner May 18

Pastor’s Corner April 13

As I sit in my office, just a few days after Easter, I’m still struck by how amazing our worship was, how incredible it felt to have so many gathered to celebrate the redeeming love of God expressed to us through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ....
Pastor’s Corner May 18

Pastor’s Corner March 23

Throughout Lent, I have been reminded of the importance and centrality of prayer in our walk with Christ.  Prayer connects us to God through Jesus Christ and changes us as we find intimacy and peace with God through prayer. Prayer does change us. And not just us,...
Pastor’s Corner May 18

Pastor’s Corner March 9

Each week I close my Pastor’s Corner with the following: God bless, Jonathan Smith For Jesus. For People. For Community. Friends, I want you to know that this closing, or a valediction, has been an intentional choice of mine. In a world that is filled with people who...
Pastor’s Corner May 18

Pastor’s Corner March 16

I believe that having rituals to mark time is an essential practice in our lives. The season of Lent invites us to mark time by fasting and prayer. Advent invites us to mark time by lighting the candles on the Advent wreath. These rituals that help us mark time don’t...
Pastor’s Corner May 18

Pastor’s Corner Feb. 23

Last night we took a moment to pause and reflect as we begin our journey through the season of Lent. Over the next 40 days, we are invited to look at our lives, our faith, and the ways we are called to grow in Christ. I hope that as we journey together practicing the...