Pastor’s Corner May 19

Pastor’s Corner May 5

…from Pastor Bill Dear Pittman Park family, What a wonderful thing to welcome the life of a newborn child! In worship these past three Sundays we have celebrated infant baptisms and another is planned for May 22nd. The parents of these little ones approach the...
Pastor’s Corner May 19

Pastor’s Corner April 21

…from Pastor Jonathan Hi Church! Easter Sunday was amazing! We had beautiful worship with infant baptism, confirmands professing their faith in Christ, and our whole church celebrating the resurrection of Jesus! God is truly at work at Pittman Park! And the...
Pastor’s Corner May 19

Pastor’s Corner April 7

…from Pastor Jonathan “So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?” And he said, “He who showed mercy on him.” Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.” Sometimes moments in life trigger verses from Scripture in my...
Pastor’s Corner May 19

Pastor’s Corner April 14

from Pastor Bill… Dear Pittman Park family, Interesting isn’t it that in the first chapter of the Gospel According to John, Jesus is described in this way… “In him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the...
Pastor’s Corner May 19

Pastor’s Corner March 31

from Pastor Bill… Dear Pittman Park family, I remember as a child, my mother took two empty soup cans, tapped a hole in the bottom of each and threaded a string between the two to serve as a “connection”. For me—at the age of 4—this seemed to be the most...
Pastor’s Corner May 19

Pastor’s Corner March 24

from Pastor Jonathan… This week I had the privilege of being the Chaplain of the Day at the Georgia House of Representatives. It was day 34 of the session and the Capitol was buzzing with life. My daughter Addison and I talked with representatives, lobbyists,...
Pastor’s Corner May 19

Pastor’s Corner

Dear Pittman Park family, Here we are at the beginning of Lent. This season of the church year is intended to lead us on a forty day journey toward Easter by way of prayer, reflection, fasting and centering ourselves through scripture.  All of this is toward the end...
Pastor’s Corner May 19

Pastor’s Corner March 17

From Pastor Bill… Dear Pittman Park family, Through the years I have come to understand that much of life has to do with waiting. I saw someone today with a t-shirt emblazoned with that classic Nike slogan “Just Do It.” I suppose, when it comes to sports or...