from Pastor Jonathan…

This week I had the privilege of being the Chaplain of the Day at the Georgia House of Representatives. It was day 34 of the session and the Capitol was buzzing with life. My daughter Addison and I talked with representatives, lobbyists, and other Capitol personnel who were hard at work getting things done for our state.

As I was driving home, I began to think about our church. Every day I come into the office and see the faces of people who are hard at work getting things done for our church and for the Kingdom of God. Our church is a place that is buzzing with life too! We have new ministries coming online, new opportunities to grow in your faith, and new places to serve. You can give your time serving at MorningStar, donate books for students in Bulloch County, have fun at our Picnic and Egg Hunt, join in our church’s ongoing conversation about race and reconciliation, become a part of our Relay for Life Team, or cook meals with Rebecca’s Café…And that’s just a few ways we are alive together. I hope you’ll take at the various places that you can plug in on our website at

I’m especially excited for our new Adult Ministry Luncheon that is going to kick off on Tuesday, March 29 at 11:30am. This is a chance for us to expand our ministry in an intentional ways to adults and will be a launch pad for new ways to offer care, fun, and spiritual growth for adults. The lunch is free and I hope you will join us. If you can, let us know you’re coming by signing up here.

One last thing, I want you to know that our church leadership is paying attention to the larger conversations happening in and around our denomination. Please take a moment and read the Letter from Leadership in this week’s newsletter about how you can be a part of our church’s conversation about the United Methodist Church.

Let’s keep working together for God and our community!

God bless,

Jonathan Smith

For Jesus. For People. For Community.