Pastor’s Corner FEB 24

Pastor’s Corner FEB 24

From Pastor Jonathan… The season of Lent is upon us. As we enter this season we remember Jesus’ forty day journey into the wilderness that preceded his ministry, how he was tempted by Satan, and how those moments prepared him for his mission and ministry. These...
Pastor’s Corner FEB 24

Pastor’s Corner FEB 17

From Pastor Bill… Dear Pittman Park family, The humor is somewhat twisted, but I smiled when I saw a t-shirt imprinted with the words, “I’m giving up hope for Lent.” Of course, the thought is ridiculous. Lent is all about hope! It is about our hope in Christ...
Pastor’s Corner FEB 24

Pastor’s Corner Feb 10

…from Pastor Jonathan This week Pittman Park lost one of its ministers and founding members. Rev. Dr. Remer “Brad” Brady guided our church from 1995-2000.  During Brad’s time at Pittman Park helped us build a fellowship hall and establish missions around the...
Pastor’s Corner FEB 24

Pastor’s Corner Feb 3

…from Pastor Bill Dear Pittman Park family, It was August of 2018 when we began thinking of our Wednesday night meals in a different way. With the help of about eight cooking teams, we set out to redefine our gatherings by preparing the meals ourselves....
Pastor’s Corner FEB 24

Pastor’s Corner JAN 13

…from Pastor Jonathan This past Sunday began a new season in the life of our church as we began Confirmation with our students.  I’m excited for the opportunity to dive deep into who God is, what the Bible is about, God’s plan for the world, and how these young...
Pastor’s Corner FEB 24

Pastor’s Corner

…from Pastor Jonathan Merry Christmas Pittman Park! It is certainly the most wonderful time of the year!  Over the course of the past week I’ve been able to see Christmas lights, attend wonderful Christmas gatherings with our staff and groups in our church. There’s so...