Pastor’s Corner Oct. 5

Pastor’s Corner Oct. 5

Over the last several weeks in our Disciple II and Epic of Eden discipleship groups, some common themes have emerged from our lessons. In each study, we have seen and studied God’s faithfulness to God’s covenants. God proves again and again through the covenants made...
Pastor’s Corner Oct. 5

Pastor’s Corner Sept. 28

October is a busy month at Pittman Park! This Sunday, our church will celebrate World Communion Sunday. This Sunday serves as a reminder that as we gather at the Communion Table, we are surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ and the great cloud of witnesses who...
Pastor’s Corner Oct. 5

Pastor’s Corner Sept. 21

Over the past three weeks, our sermons have been exploring the question, “What if…?”  As you’ve heard me say again and again throughout this series, this question when framed properly is filled with potential and possibility. We’ve asked: “What if we humble ourselves...
Pastor’s Corner Oct. 5

Pastor’s Corner Sept. 14

This Sunday, we will be exploring how we can begin to seek God first in every area of our lives based on Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6:19-34. In this portion of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reminds us that we are to store up treasures in heaven rather than on...
Pastor’s Corner Oct. 5

Pastor’s Corner Sept. 7

The next few Sundays present us with an opportunity to recommit ourselves to the vows we have taken as members of Pittman Park; “to support our church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness.” In a world filled with people afraid to...