One of my favorite, but less sung, hymns from our United Methodist Hymnal is number 383, “This is a Day of New Beginnings” by Brian Wren. The hymn reminds us that today is a gift and an opportunity through Jesus. The third stanza of the hymn says:
Then let us, with the Spirit’s daring,
step from the past, and leave behind
our disappointment, guilt and grieving,
seeking new paths, and sure to find.
For me, this means that each day is a day to begin again, to repent, reset, and restart, to take a new journey with Christ. Every today is a day of new beginnings, full of potential and possibility! And God is always doing something new among us and we are all invited to participate.
This is a week of new beginnings at Pittman Park!
This Sunday a new young adult Sunday School Class launches. I’m excited for the new beginning this class represents for our church and for our ministry with families. This new beginning will grow new community, equip class members to share their faith practically, and grow in their journey with Christ. If you’re interested in joining the class be sure to come this Sunday at 10am. The class will meet in the last room on the left past the church office.
This Tuesday a new gathering for men will launch at 6:30am in the Fellowship Hall. Men’s Breakfast is an opportunity for men to see each other, to be encouraged, and to grow in Christ. This monthly meeting will include a breakfast prepared by Earl Cashon and his kitchen crew, a speaker, and time for sharing around the table.
Advent continues our season of new beginnings with a unique opportunity to engage with scripture through our Advent Reading Plan and an opportunity bless others and engage in missions through our Christmas Offering.
Our Advent Reading Plan is a chance to press into the story of redemption that begins at Christmas. This year’s Advent Reading Plan will take you through the Gospel of Matthew from November 27 to December 24. This reading plan will include daily emails with a short devotion to help you move through the text and think deeply about God’s redeeming work through Jesus Christ. My hope is that by engaging in the scriptures together through this season that God might speak powerfully to our hearts and minds as we prepare for Christmas.
This year, our Christmas Offering is an opportunity for Pittman Park to offer hope o a family of orphans in Mityana, Uganda. Through Anne Bosarge, our Conference Director of Leadership Strategies and Local Church Resources, Mickey Martin and I were introduced to the story of Frank and his 5 siblings who found themselves without a home after the death of their parents in 2018. This Christmas we have the opportunity to offer hope and a home to Frank and his family. In the next few weeks, you’ll be hearing more about our Christmas Offering, and how you can partner with Pittman Park to make a difference for this family by the simple act of giving.
The last verse of “This is a Day of New Beginnings” says
Christ is alive, and goes before us
to show and share what love can do.
This is a day of new beginnings;
our God is making all things new.
God is indeed making all things new in our hearts, in our homes, in our church, and around the world. Let today be a day of new beginnings for you; take a step of faith, spend time in prayer, read your Bible, call a friend, offer forgiveness, be generous, because even today God is making all things new.
God bless,
Jonathan Smith
For Jesus. For People. For Community.
Thank you for telling us about this hymn. I need to hear this.