Pastor’s Corner Dec. 14

Pastor’s Corner Dec. 14

This week has been an amazing week of preparation for Christmas! On Sunday, our Chancel and Children’s choirs treated us to an incredible night of music at the Christmas Cantata Concert. Last night, we had a wonderful time of food, fellowship, and fun at Christmas at...
Pastor’s Corner Dec. 14

Pastor’s Corner Oct. 6

October is a busy month at Pittman Park! We have lots going on in our children’s, youth, adult, and missions ministries, plus charge conference with other churches from around Statesboro. I hope that you will pay attention to our weekly email updates and listen for...
Pastor’s Corner Dec. 14

Pastor’s Corner July 14

I want to start by saying thank you for your generosity in supporting our REACH fund. Your gifts are helping us help others in their moments of deepest need. I also want to encourage you, if you haven’t yet given, to partner with us as we seek to serve some of the...