Let’s Talk

Let’s Talk

Communication is important. Our new Let’s Talk blog page is a source to help us stay informed and up-to-date as we have conversations about our church, our denomination, and the future. The page incudes links at the bottom with information from the United...
Onboarding for Pastor Jonathan

Onboarding for Pastor Jonathan

Thursday Night, July 17, Pastor Jonathan Smith participated in an Onboarding session along with church staff and leadership. The session was facilitated by Anne Bosarge, Director of Leadership Strategies and Local Church Resources from the South Georgia Conference. In...
Pastor’s Corner Feb. 16

Pastor’s Corner Feb. 16

The season of Lent is drawing near. On Tuesday at 6:00 pm, we will celebrate at our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and highlight the ways that God is working in our youth ministry. Then, on Wednesday at 6:30 pm, we will gather for worship on Ash Wednesday to...
Pastor’s Corner Feb. 16

Pastor’s Corner Feb. 2

Last Sunday, I preached on the Beatitudes and how they are an invitation into a deeper relationship with Jesus for anyone who would follow after him. Whether you feel empty or full, whether you are joyful or mourning, whether you are struggling or succeeding, you are...
Pastor’s Corner Feb. 16

Pastor’s Corner Jan 26

This week in worship we kick off a new series called, “Be The Change.” The idea behind this series comes from a misquotation often attributed to Mahatma Gandhi, that we should each endeavor to “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Now, the world is a big place...
Pastor’s Corner Feb. 16

Pastor’s Corner Jan. 19

This Sunday we will be wrapping up our sermon series “Love The Lord” by talking about Jesus commandment to “love our neighbors as ourself.” Jesus tells us that this commandment carries the same weight as his commandment to “Love the Lord with all your heart, with all...