Pastor’s Corner Jan 12

Pastor’s Corner Jan 12

Last night our chili cookoff was a huge success as we restarted our Wednesday night programming with our communion service in the chapel, Backpack Buddies, choir rehearsal, and discipleship for our children, youth, and adults.  It was wonderful to see new faces, new...
Pastor’s Corner Jan 12

Pastor’s Corner Jan. 5

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two...
Pastor’s Corner Jan 12

Pastor’s Corner Dec. 29

Happy New Year! In a few short days we will say goodbye to 2022 and welcome in 2023! Every new year is an opportunity for a new start, for a new beginning. We get a chance to consider what we’ve done and who we’ve been for the past 12 months and make plans to grow in...
Pastor’s Corner Jan 12

Pastor’s Corner Dec. 22

A Charlie Brown Christmas is one of my favorite Christmas programs. The show opens with the following words from the Vince Guaraldi Trio standard “Christmas Time Is Here”: Christmas time is here Happiness and cheer Fun for all that children call Their favorite time of...
Pastor’s Corner Jan 12

Pastor’s Corner Dec 15

Hi Pittman Park! Last Sunday was truly a joyful time of worship at Pittman Park!  Throughout this season in both The N9ne and Traditional worship we’ve listened to Isaiah’s visions for the coming of Christ, we have also heard beautiful music performed by our praise...
Pastor’s Corner Jan 12

Pastor’s Corner Dec. 8

This Sunday marks the third week of Advent and the theme of this week is joy. Traditionally, on this Sunday we hear Jesus’ mother Mary sing the Magnificat found in Luke 1:46-56 or we hear the voice of Isaiah proclaiming that God’s the whole of creation will be...
Pastor’s Corner Jan 12

Pastor’s Corner Dec. 1

Last week in worship we lit the candle of hope. As I talked about in our sermon, our hope isn’t just wishful thinking about how things might get better in the future. No, our hope is grounded in the reality of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, and the promise of...
Pastor’s Corner Jan 12

Pastor’s Corner Nov. 17

It’s hard to imagine that 2022 is already winding down. There are six Sundays left this year. This Sunday we will celebrate Christ the King Sunday which is simultaneously the end of the Christian year and the beginning the beginning of the next. Advent follows the...
Pastor’s Corner Jan 12

Pastor’s Corner Nov. 10

One of my favorite, but less sung, hymns from our United Methodist Hymnal is number 383, “This is a Day of New Beginnings” by Brian Wren. The hymn reminds us that today is a gift and an opportunity through Jesus. The third stanza of the hymn says: Then let us, with...